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残障人士服务中心正在使用一种新的住宿软件,以更好地满足学生和社区的需求. This is exciting news; however, 这意味着当新系统上线时,当前系统正在离线. DAS will be unable to accept accommodation requests until July 1. Feel free to reach out to DAS directly with any questions you have: (电子邮件保护)

Academic 住宿

Any student with a documented learning, 身体或精神残疾的人认为他们的残疾可能会影响学业成功,可能有资格获得住宿. 学生应在需要住宿前不迟于一周提出住宿要求. All discussions will remain confidential.

DAS 住宿 DO:

  • Reduce barriers to learning
  • Provide equitable opportunities for students

DAS 住宿 :

  • Fundamentally alter the nature of a course
  • Reduce academic requirements

康考迪亚大学残疾人服务中心(DAS)与学生和校园社区协调合理的资源,以实现平等的机会和机会, which can ultimately improve a student's ability to learn, 研究, and/or participate in campus 活动.

我们鼓励那些相信他们会从住宿中受益的学生来解决残疾的影响 接触DAS.

New students should start by registering with Disability Access 服务.

Register with DAS

Requesting Academic 住宿

Documentation Guidelines

DAS considers three resources in determining reasonable accommodations:

  • 自我报告
  • Previous academic accommodations (such as an IEP, 504计划, approved accommodations at a former college)
  • Formal documentation from a qualified professional

虽然学生的生活经历对理解住宿如何有帮助很重要, 大多数住宿申请都需要正式的文件,清楚地表明学生在学术环境中有一个或多个功能限制.

正式文件是由合格的持牌专业人士(如医生或治疗师)提供的信息, or psychoeducational testing. We look for recent documentation (dated within the last five years). If you have older documentation, bring it so we can discuss it with you. 我们可能会要求您获得最新的测试,以便清楚地了解您当前的能力和挑战. Please refer to the documentation guidelines for additional information.

Verification of Disability Form Documentation Guidelines

Academic 住宿 at Concordia University Irvine

住宿是根据具体情况确定的,具体情况取决于学生的残疾记录及其对功能的影响. Common accommodations may include:

  • Alternative Testing
  • Alternative Formats
  • Notetaking 住宿
  • Accessible Furniture
  • Interpreting 服务
  • Transcribing/CART 服务
  • Flexibility with Attendance/Assignments

Classroom 住宿

一旦学生在DAS注册并确定了合理的住宿条件, DAS将通过电子邮件向当前学期注册班级的教师发送学术访问信. 学生应该采取主动,并与课程教师会面,讨论每种住宿的细节. DAS鼓励这些会议在教室外举行,这样老师就可以尊重学生.

Testing 住宿

DAS致力于为符合条件的学生提供公平和适当的考试住宿. 学生应至少提前4天安排监考考试. 考场位于学生成功中心(在校园地图上被标识为Hallerberg中心)。, in the same office space of the Academic Advisors. Students can schedule exams through the DAS Test Reservation Schedule.

Alternative Format

If a textbook is not available in an accessible format, students may request an accessible version from DAS via the Alternative Text Request form. DAS provides accessible textbooks through multiple platforms (Bookshare, direct from the publisher, AccessTextNetwork). If an accessible version is not readily available, 学生可以携带或邮寄教材到DAS办公室进行内部转换. 请注意:将教科书转换为无障碍格式可能需要长达7天的时间.

Notetaking 服务

DAS鼓励学生自己做笔记,并使用教师提供的资源. If a student would like to improve notetaking skills, 请安排与DAS的预约,以获得笔记指导和技能培训. DAS还鼓励学生与我们的辅导,写作和咨询服务联系起来.

取决于学生残疾的性质和功能限制, the student may be eligible for note-taking assistance. 帮助学生记笔记是一种必要的学习便利,不能代替学生在课堂上的充分参与. 援助是在每个班级的基础上确定的,取决于每门课程的性质和教学方法,因为它与学生的残疾有关. 笔记和/或录音仅供学生个人学习使用,不得与其他个人共享,除非向所有课堂参与者提供.


在DAS注册的学生提出要求之前,可能无法提供支持服务. In order to ensure sufficient time to provide accommodations, 学生必须注册课程,并在适当的时间内通知教务处.

If a request is submitted after the relevant deadline, reasonable efforts will be made by DAS and faculty to accommodate the request. However, we cannot guarantee that such a request can be met. 不合时宜的请求可能导致延误、替换或拒绝住宿. 请务必阅读DAS通知,提醒和协议,以便使用住宿.

服务类型 所需的时间
口译,转录服务,视频字幕,教室搬迁,盲文 At least four (4) weeks prior to student’s need
Tables, Chairs, Footstools, Podiums At least two (2) weeks prior to student’s need
Alternative Format At least two (2) weeks prior to student’s need
Notetaking 服务 Upon registration or two (2) weeks prior to student’s need
Alternative Testing 最少提前通知与DSS安排考试:测验和期中考试- 5天或3个工作日
Accessible University Housing Requests made by March 15 will be given priority. After April 1, requests for accommodation will be made as space is available. DAS and RES recommend that you complete a Housing Accommodation Request when you fill out your housing application and submit appropriate documentation.

权利 & 责任

Students with disabilities at Concordia University have the right to:

  • Equal access to courses, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 和设施 offered through the university
  • An equal opportunity to work and to learn, and to receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and 服务
  • 适当保密有关残疾的所有信息,并选择向谁提供, outside of the university, information about their disability will be disclosed, except as disclosures are required or permitted by law

Students with disabilities at Concordia University have the responsibility to:

  • Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for courses, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 和设施
  • 当需要帮助和寻求信息时,以残疾人士的身份进行识别, 法律顾问, and assistance as necessary
  • 证明和/或记录(由适当的专业人士)残疾如何限制他们参与课程, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 和设施
  • Follow published procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and 服务